1. General Terms and Conditions

This website (hereinafter called as the “Website”) operates under the auspices of Mediterranean Skin Health, having its mail address at n. 56, Sp. Merkouri str., Athens - P.C. 11634, e-mail: and phone number +30210 7254742 (hereinafter called as the “Medical Centre”), and intends to publicly present through Internet the Medical Centre, its structure, the medical services offered, the areas of its activity and its business activities in general. 

The use of the Website implies the unconditional acceptance of the following terms and conditions, applicable to all content, graphics, images, photographs and files included on the Website. Therefore, the visitor/ user of the Website shall read these terms carefully before further browsing on the Medical Centre’s Website. If he/ she does not agree, then he/ she must stop visiting the Website and not use its content.

The Medical Centre only undertakes the responsibility to make every effort as to the accuracy of the information available to visitors of its Website, However, it cannot guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption and error-free or that errors will be corrected immediately and will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in them or for results that may arise from their use. In addition, the Medical Centre does not warrant that this Website or any other website or servers through which they are made accessible to visitors/ users is provided without "viruses" or other harmful programs, but it does its best to use the most up-to-date and effective methods to ensure the safe use of this Website.

Any hyperlinks or banners on this Website (which are solely intended to facilitate the contact of visitors/ users of the Website's pages with those responsible for providing additional information on a case-by-case basis) may lead users on websites of other servers, which the Medical Centre does not control. Consequently, no responsibility lies with the Medical Centre for the content of the above websites and for any damage that may be caused by such use. Any problem arising during the visit/ use of these sites and pages should be communicated directly with the respective websites and pages and their owners, who bear the responsibility. The Medical Centre shall under no circumstances be deemed to approve or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or links to them in any other way.

The Medical Centre does not bear any responsibility for any damage that the visitor/ user of the Website may suffer from its use. The contents of the Website are provided "as it is" without any express or implied warranty. All information is provided for general information only. If the visitor/ user of the pages intends to make any use of the information provided by the Website’s pages, he/ she must first contact the Medical Centre through the contact form provided on the Website and the Medical Centre will take care of providing timely and accurate information at its discretion.

The Website is intended to be operated 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The Medical Centre reserves the right to decide to suspend or disable access to part or the whole Website should circumstances beyond its control occur which make it necessary to suspend or interrupt access such as, malfunctions of information systems or telecommunication networks, technical problems or for reasons of regular or extraordinary maintenance or in other cases of significant extraordinary events.

The Medical Centre reserves the right to modify the format and content of the Website whenever it deems necessary and without prior notice.

The visitor/ user of the Website must use the data provided to him/ her in a lawful manner and in accordance with the accepted principles of good faith and morality. Otherwise, he/ she assumes responsibility for restoring any damage that may be caused to the Medical Centre by his/ her illegal or improper use.

Visitors/ users are also prohibited from installing any malicious software or data on the Website of the Medical Centre that would alter or be likely to alter the appearance and completeness of the data and organization of the Website. In such a case, the Medical Centre reserves the right to take any appropriate legal remedy to restore any damage it may suffer.


  1. Data Protection

When visitors/ users browse on the Website, the latter may collect and process personal data. To learn more about this collection and processing as well as your rights in this regard, please refer to our Website’s Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy.


  1. Intellectual Property rights

The content of the pages of this Website (including, indicatively, illustrations, trademarks, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, services provided and, in general, all the files of this Website) form intellectual property of the Medical Centre and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international treaties. Therefore, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, downloaded, transmitted or distributed in any way, in whole or in part.

The visitor/ user has the option of storing an individual copy of the content of this Website on his/ her personal computer for personal, non-public or commercial use and without deleting the indication of origin by the Medical Centre, without prejudice in any way to the rights of intellectual property.

Other distinctive features, products or services that are referenced on the Website and bear the marks of their respective organizations, companies, affiliates, agencies, associations or publications are form their own intellectual property and consequently they have their respective rights of protection.


  1. Function of the "Doctor’s Advice" application – Disclaimer

No part of the content provided to the visitors/ users of the Website constitutes and cannot be considered in any case, directly or indirectly, encouragement, instruction, advice or prompt for any act or omission. On the contrary, it is at the discretion of the visitors/ users following a personal assessment to act according to their own will, excluding any responsibility of the Medical Centre.


  1. Maintaining individual member accounts

Through the Website, each visitor/ user is provided the opportunity to register as a member and maintain an individual account. Anyone over the age of 18 can be a member. Each new member's account is strictly individual and cannot be transferred to another. Each member is obliged to make use himself/ herself and not to grant access (through his credentials) to other relatives. In case of change of personal data after the initial registration stage, the member must immediately notify the Medical Centre in writing of any change (indicatively, mail or e-mail address, phone number), otherwise the Medical Centre will not be responsible in case of loss of mail and/ or communication interruption.

The member must immediately inform the Medical Centre in writing in case he/ she becomes aware of any arbitrary use of the credentials in his/ her account, responsible (the member) for any kind of damage that may occur until such notification. In this case, the Medical Centre will deactivate the account.

The individual member account will not be valid in case of prohibition or restriction of the user by Law. In addition, the Medical Centre is entitled to cancel the account if the member violates any of the present terms and conditions of the Website, which are all essentially agreed upon, or if there is another important reason. In any case of cancellation of an individual account, the member is obliged to immediately terminate the use of the account and to cancel it as well. In addition, the Medical Centre reserves the right to cancel individual accounts of members who are inactive for a period of more than one year.


  1. Operation of the E-shop - Limitation of Liability

The Medical Centre in the context of its transactions from the e-shop is neither responsible nor liable for compensation for any damage or loss arising from the cancellation of orders, non-execution or delay in their execution, for any reason. The Medical Centre does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the e-shop, but only informs the interested customer/ user based on the recorded data about the availability or not and undertakes in case of change of these data, to inform the customers/ users in time about the non-availability, in which case, too, the Medical Centre bears no further responsibility. The Website has taken all necessary technical and other safeguards in order to be immediately informed of the available quantity of our products, however, it maintains an explicit reservation regarding the validity of the quantities of products available in the e-shop, as they may be updated within one (1) hour from the moment of their modification. In the context of good faith and business ethics, the Medical Centre is not obliged to accept an order and enter into a sale of products and/ or services, which due to typographical or computer error, appear on the e-shop with an incorrect price, i.e. lower or higher than the current one. In case such an error is found only in a part of the ordered products, then the order is valid and executed normally for the rest of the products and is considered incomplete for the products in which the error was found, unless the items in the order are relevant, are to be used as a whole and operate as a unit with each other and the customer/ user declares that the partial fulfillment of the order does not serve his/ her needs or interests, so the Medical Centre must cancel the entire order.

In no case is the Medical Centre liable for any damage that may be caused to a visitor/ user of the e-shop or a third party due to a reason related to the operation or not and/ or the use of the Website and/ or inability to provide services and/ or products and/ or information available from the Website and/ or any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and/ or services and/ or information available through the Website.


  1. Applicable law and other terms.

The above Website’s terms and conditions, as well as any modification or alteration thereof, are governed by the Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties.

Should any provision of these terms and conditions be declared as inconsistent with the foregoing sources of law, it (the provision) shall automatically cease to be valid and shall be withdrawn from the present terms and conditions without, in any case, undermining the validity of the rest terms.

Any dispute arising out of the use of this Website is solely under the responsibility of the Courts of Athens.

These terms and conditions are to be translated into other languages in the future for the needs of proper operation and use of the Website. In any case, if during the translation a term arises to be interpreted differently or other content can be attributed to it, the rendering of the Greek language will prevail.


B. Terms of the "MSH CLUB" Loyalty Scheme

1. General Description of the MSH CLUB and participance right

Through the Website and the E-shop, every visitor/ user, who is also a registered member, is given the opportunity to participate in the Medical Center’s loyalty scheme (hereinafter referred to as "MSH CLUB" or "Program"). The account of each member/ user of the Program is strictly personal and cannot be transferred to another. Member may be any natural person above the age of 18 years and is obliged to make use only himself/ herself and not to grant access (through his/ her credentials) to other relatives. Therefore, each Member of the Program will be rewarded with loyalty points which will correspond to their own purchases from the Medical Center’s E-shop.

The Program has international validity, i.e., it applies and is valid in all territories where orders are placed and products are shipped (indicatively, Greece, Cyprus).

2. Collection of Points

The points that the Member can earn per transaction/ order are equivalent to five (5) points per one (1) euro of the transaction’s value, so that the member receives the total value (in euros, without shipping costs) of each order multiplied five times (x5) in the previous integer. For example, for an order with a total value of € 265.78, the Member will receive 265x5 = 1325 points.

In any case, the points that will be collected per order, will be clearly indicated in a relevant field of the Ε-shop environment, so that the Member can be easily informed (and in time) for any changes/ modifications in the terms of the reward.

In case of product return or order cancellation, the points that already had or were to be rewarded to the Member are automatically deducted, with any following consequence for the maintenance of the respective tier of the Member.

In addition, Members maintain their tier, upgrade or downgrade automatically depending on the points they have accumulated at any given time and in any case based on the last twelve (12) months, so that each time the tier they belong reflects the total points accumulated within that time period.

It is explicitly clarified that the privileges are automatically awarded through the user interface of the E-shop and in accordance with the current reward tier of the Member at the time of submitting each order.

3. Reward Points and Privileges

The Reward tiers of the E-shop Members are divided into four (4) levels, as follows:

- No Tier

Includes registered Members of the E-shop without any product purchase during the last twelve (12) months. In case of No Tier Members, no additional privileges are granted, except those commonly provided for all visitors of the E-shop (e.g., free shipping for orders over € 90 in Greece and over € 200 for Cyprus).

- Silver (1-3499 points)

Includes Members who have accumulated up to 3499 points from purchases they have completed through the E-shop in the last twelve (12) months. As a reward, on their birthday anniversary, our Silver Members enjoy a special discount coupon worth …… € for their next purchases in the online store with validity …. months. It should be noted that Silver members cannot modify the date of birth already stated in the personal membership data, in order to avoid circumvention of this action. In addition, Silver Members will be notified in a timely manner and access will be granted up to 24 hours, before other (No Tier) Members, in discount offers and other promotions of the E-shop.

- Gold (3500-9999 points)

Includes Members who have accumulated up to 9999 points from purchases they have completed through the online store during the last twelve (12) months. As a reward, on their birthday, our Gold members enjoy a Premium product (and/ or products), as a birthday gift, at the exclusive choice of the Medical Center. It should be noted that Gold members may not modify their already stated date of birth in the personal membership details, in order to avoid circumvention of this action. In addition, Gold Members will be notified in a timely manner and access will be granted up to 24 hours, before other (No Tier Members), in discount offers and other promotions of the E-shop. Finally, our Gold Members enjoy a 3% discount on all their orders through the E-shop (excluding shipping costs).

- VIP (10,000 + points)

Includes Members who have accumulated 10,000 points or more of purchases they have completed through the E-shop in the last twelve (12) months. As a reward, on their birthday, our VIP members enjoy a Luxury product (and / or products), as a birthday gift, at the exclusive choice of the Medical Center. It should be noted that VIP members may not modify their already stated date of birth in the personal membership details, to avoid circumvention of this action. In addition, VIP Members will be notified in a timely manner and access will be granted up to 48 hours, before other (No Tier) Members, in discount offers and other promotions of the E-shop. Finally, our VIP Members enjoy a 5% discount on all their orders through the E-shop as well as free shipping regardless of the amount of the order, i.e., from the first euro.

4. Points’ Time Validity

As already mentioned above, for the maintenance of the tier, upgrade or downgrade of the Member, only the points that have been accumulated during the last twelve (12) months are taken into account and calculated. Therefore, the validity of the points is limited to twelve (12) months from the time of their acquisition and per order, so that exactly twelve (12) months later they are lost and are not counted (the specific points) anymore for the tier ranking. 


5. Disclaimer

In case of personal data modification following the initial registration stage, except for the date of birth which has already been excluded as above, the Member must immediately notify the Medical Center in writing of any change (indicative postal or e-mail address, telephone number), otherwise the Medical Center will not be liable in case of loss of correspondence and/ or interruption of communication.

The Program will not be valid in case of prohibition or restriction of the user by the Law. In addition, the Medical Center has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract and cancel the account if the Member violates any of the terms hereof, all of which are essentially agreed, or if there is another important reason. In any case of termination and cancellation of the account, the Member is obliged to immediately stop using the Program and cancel his/ her account.

The Member must check, after each transaction, the accuracy of the receipt details he/ she receives from the E-shop. The Medical Center has no obligation or responsibility against the Member for any non-fulfillment or inaccurate fulfillment of its obligations under the Program, as well as for any contractual or non-contractual damage.

The Member must immediately inform the Medical Center in writing in case he/ she becomes aware of any arbitrary use of the passwords in his/ her account, responsible (the member) for any kind of damage that may occur until his/ her notification. In this case, the Medical Center will deactivate the account, while the points accumulated by the Member so far, are automatically transferred to his/ her new account.

The points accumulated by the Member after each transaction will be added to his/ her account within the next three (3) working days of the transaction and will be valid for twelve months from their acquisition per order, as already mentioned above.

It is clarified that the time of obtaining the points is considered the date of placing the respective order and not any later date of their credit in the Member's account.

For those provisions that are not explicitly provided in this Chapter B, the provisions of the Terms of Use of the Website (Chapter A of this) apply proportionally.

6. Program Modifications/ Termination

The Medical Center reserves the right to revoke and/ or unilaterally modify the present terms and conditions of the MSH CLUB as well as the mechanisms for obtaining the privileges (e.g., point limits per tier, type of gifts) with a prior notice of thirty (30) days. Similarly, and with the same prior notice period, the Medical Center may terminate the Program by deducting privileges from all Members

