The most suitable treatment in order to cure and prevent Folliculitis and Keratosis Pilaris. A combination of Vbeam, custom skin-regenerating peel and Dermalux phototherapy is necessary in order to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. Folliculitis and Keratosis Pilaris are common genetic conditions of the skin's hair follicles characterised by the appearance of (possible) itchy, small, goosebump-like bumps commonly found on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks, or buttocks. Sometimes, varying degrees of redness and inflammation can appear with these conditions.
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Vbeam Perfecta is the gold standard and the world's best selling pulsed-dye laser (PDL). Time and again it proves itself as the safe, easy-to-use tool for the treatment of vascular, inflammatory, pigmented, and certain non-pigmented lesions.
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This is an old time favorite skin regeneration process. A chemical peel destroys layers of the skin that have been damaged, restoring skin to a healthy condition, painlessly and effectively. We hand-pick the most appropriate peel for you depending on your skin type, condition and seasonality (TCA, Mela, AHA & Retinol).
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Multi-award winning Dermalux Tri-Wave MD is a ground-breaking medical device powered by proprietary LED technology for the most advanced phototherapeutic and photodynamic treatments. The Tri-Wave MD is the ONLY device in the market to deliver 3 wavelengths simultaneously at the optimum power for superior and lasting results.